Samaquias Lorta (Mexico) /

Sound & Visual Art

Interdisciplinary artist Samaquias Lorta focuses on an ethos surrounding mental health and ecological thought; Typically exploring the use of technology and DIY performance techniques. Sound design is at the core of the industry work Lorta engages with providing opportunities for use of immersive technologies such as Sound Particles, Max/MSP, and VCV Rack.

Samaquias use of immersive tools includes ambisonics and binaural audio rendering, AR Installation, and multisensory experiences. This focus provides accessible use of innovative storytelling with DIY solutions for artistic expression.

His collaborators include Poera, Spencer Mirabal, Areli Moran, OIIA, etc with support by Amplify Berlin, Eufonia Festival, Herzberg Musuem, Catalyst Institute, and more.